Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Making some life decisions

So I have been thinking a lot about my life and where it is headed. With every passing year I think about the goals I had as a teenager and how little I have actually accomplished. So I am going to put in writing some goals for me to aspire to with a bit of a deadline to get me motivated.

1. Debt - Pay off all outstanding financials debts by 12/31/07
2. College - Enroll in college at least part time by Jan. 2007
3. Business - Advertise me business and establish more contacts by 12/31/06
4. Home - Purchase a home by 12/31/08
5. Children - Adopt a child in need by 8/5/08
6. Self - Work on exorcising my ghosts and dealing with my issues, everyday.
7. Volunteerism - Get involved again working with kids by 12/31/06
8. Dancing - Continue taking dance classes and participate in a show by 6/30/07
9. Roller derby - Learn more about coaching aspect of the game, everyday.
10. Relationships - Don't accept less then the best, everyday.

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