Wednesday, July 20, 2005

It's so hawt

I think I just might melt. We moved into a house with no air conditioning. My whole life I have been coming to Colorado during the summers to visit my mom and her family. None of them have air conditioning. Yet it seems that either the global warming has produced much hotter summers or as you age and get fat you just feel hotter. My mom used to dress me in a sweatsuit with shorts and a tshirt underneath in the mornings. It was always chilly in the morning, dew would be glistening on the grass beneath the morning sun. Now it feels as if it has never cooled off during the night, and I can't remember the last time I actually saw dew on the grass.

Even Diva the Wonder Dog has lost the bounce in her step and just wants to lay beneath the fan. Our American Bulldog baby (Freckles) pants so much she is a giant walking puddle of drool. It's too hot to sleep. It's too hot to clean. It's too hot to do anything but lay near a fan and eat Otter Pops. It's almost too hot for sex. Key word being almost. ;)

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