Friday, February 15, 2008

Gone too soon

I heard the news today that a friend's son had passed away. I could not have been more shocked at the news. This young man bravely served our country twice in Iraq and came home in one piece. Unfortunately, the scars he carried were not visible. The atrocities he witnessed in the Middle East were etched permenently to his soul. Once a care free and loving man became a dark and depressed shell. Only a fellow soldier could ever understand what our men and women go through to defend us. It costs them and their families dearly in a hundred different ways. They deserve to be honored for all they have VOLUNTEERED to do. They deserve the same compassion and understanding that we would extend to a victim of 9/11, crime, or war. We should take the time to say thank you everyday to those that are away from their homes to protect ours. There should be no soldier that does not get a letter from home or a thank you for their service. Whether or not you agree with the reasons they are there is irrelevant. They are there. They are there for you and me. They are being wounded and killed and they need our support. Please take the time to write a letter, send an email, or just extend a hand of thanks.

And to my friend: I hope you have found the peace you so desperately needed. I am sorry that you will no longer be with us in body. I know you will always be with us in spirit.

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