Monday, February 04, 2008

Book #1

So, I was cruising random blog sites and found one where the guy was trying to read 50 books in one year. So I decided I would make the same attempt. Beginning January 15th, I started my first book. After each book, I will sum up here in an effort to keep track (and maybe give you some inspiration to read as well). So here goes...

Book #1

"The Collectors" - David Baldacci

This is the second book in the Camel Club series. I hadn't read the first one (not realizing this was a series), but will now be picking up the first and third books for sure. I have always been a Baldacci fan as I am really into crime fiction. This book didn't disappoint at all. With some new political twists and the whole underworld of former CIA assasains this book kept you guessing. The one interesting twist was the addition of a seasoned con artist. This added an element I have not seen in a book of this type before. It was a quick read, although there were many nights I did not pick it up cause I was just too tired. The basic story it about the murder of a librarian at the Library of Congress Rare Books division. The murder is investigated by members of the "Camel Club" one of which worked with the victim. Another of whom is a former CIA assasain himself, who is in hiding as a cemetary caretaker (completely appropriate as he is supposed to be dead himself.) We come to learn that this murder is also tied to the murder of the Speaker of the House. With an interesting story and plenty of twists and turns, I give this book an 8 out of 10.

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