Friday, December 16, 2005

It was all lies.

So Cabana Boy is almost gone. I have his keys, he has my money, and there are just a few more things for him collect tomorrow. I know deep down that I've made the right decision not just for me, but for him. It doesn't make it easier for me though. There were a lot of good things about our relationship that I will miss. My heart hurts so much right now. And to make it all worse he is as cold as ice. He just doesn't seem to care at all that this year of our lives is over. There was absolutely no emotion whatsoever from him tonight. No apologies. No pleas for forgiveness. No fuck yous. No have a nice life. No nothing.


That hurts most of all.

I guess all of this was just a big lie...

"and yes i want to be with you other wise i would not have worked my ass off to get this house for us.and yes some times it hard for me to talk to women because of my mom but ill try harder if you wana talk then you have to start it . because i wont nor will i fight because i have a pretty mean temper and it get me in to trouble . so look im in love with you.

you see you are the opposit of me wich is good for me cause it keeps me calm and if i did not want you in my life i would not have takin you to fl and let you quit youre job wat you need to understand is some tims i flirt and dont mean to and yes im streees out im the one who has to come up with the money for the bills and if i did not want to be wiyh you i would not try to promote you and youre hena love you stupid boy frinend"

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