Monday, March 27, 2006

I just want to cry

It's just been that kinda week, that kinda day, that kinda moment. I am so very disappointed in my friend right now. He and I have been friends for awhile now and in recent months have gotten quite close. We have so much in common and can always make each other laugh. Physically, he is not the type of guy I would normally go for, but I have fallen for his personality and charm. I really, really like him. I really like spending time with him and until recently I thought he felt the same way. He was my shoulder to cry on when things were bad. I was his entertainment when he was bored. We talked on the phone, we emailed all day while we were supposed to be working, he came out to support my events. Things were good. Everything he did pointed to the fact that he cared about me. I had even put serious thought into telling him how I feel about him. The only thing holding me back was the possibility of ruining a great friendship, and I would never want to lose that.

All of the sudden things are different. He has stopped calling, stopped emailing as much, stood me up, and kept something big from me. All of that hurts. So today I get that email for no reason and it makes me cry. I miss my friend.

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