Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Let's get real

I stole this idea from Bitter Betty over at Tastes Like Purple so if you haven't been reading over there, do. She is fucking hilarious!!

The idea is to write 15 honest statements to anyone you want to, dead or alive, past or present, but no names. I think we should all play along! ;)

Here are mine:

1. Sometimes you are a selfish asshole who never thinks of anyone but yourself.

2. All I ever wanted was your love and acceptance and all I ever got was your judgment and indifference.

3. You are the only person in my life that loved and accepted me unconditionally.

4. I miss our late night dates in front of the TV, drinking rum and coke, and making out like teenagers.

5. I wish you could have seen yourself the way I saw you.

6. You pretended to be someone you weren't for two years. You lied to me and cheated on me and I hope you get back everything you gave tenfold.

7. You claim not to be shallow, but you focus on the superficial and you are missing out on what really matters.

8. I have the biggest crush on you and wish you would ask me out on a date cause I will never make the first move.

9. You never really hear anything I tell you.

10. It wouldn't have taken much for me to fall in love with you, I was almost there.

11. I never really loved you and knew in the first week that we would never stay together.

12. As much as I want to help make your situation better, I can't help but think that you made things that bad yourself.

13. Your boyfriend flirts with me, kissed me, and makes sexual advances towards me. I tell him no, but I really want to tell him yes.

14. Your best friend fucked your husband.

15. You will never find what you are looking for as long as you close your mind to people that don't fit your pre-conceived notion of what you think they should be.

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