Friday, February 18, 2005

Confronting the Scumbag Cousin

Well, dear readers, I finally made up my mind about what to do with that scandelous ass cousin of mine. Recent events have led me to a tentative reconciliation with his mother. We have not really spoken in 3 years. Also, through emails with him I found out that he hasn't actually met anyone yet, so I decided to give him a break and try and prevent it from happening. Here is our email in it's entirety.......

Deal.... When did you figure it out though? I have never met anyone from any site like this though. Just curious I guess. Call me... Do you still have the number?

*Sigh* I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. I have really been struggling with the reason that I came across you here, and what to do about it. Such a touchy subject the whole catching someone you know cheating on thier wife, but since it seems as if you haven't met anyone yet consider this devine intervention (insert his full name here). Think long and hard about what you're doing to your wife. Is it really worth losing your marriage over some stupid afternoon fling? Maybe I'm wrong about this whole thing and she knows about your extracurricular activities, and if that's the case more power to you. However, she doesn't seem to be that kind of person and discresion wouldn't be such a big deal if she was playing too. Therefore, I suggest you delete your profile and meet your wife for a nooner. This stays between us for now. Just so you know I will be deleting my profile from here as well, as I have gotten serious with someone myself. I hope that this little incident doesn't effect our relationship. Your cousin.

We could do that. Lunch sounds like a good thing to get started. Let me know when would work best for you.

I was thinking we could maybe meet for lunch or something. Just to verify that there really are real people on this thing. LOL Since neither one of us has actually met anyone yet.

I will be off on weds and Friday this week. What are you thinking?

Your life sounds busy like mine can be. We're both too busy to actually meet anyone from here. LOL So when are your days off this week?

Been extremely busy lately. Betwen having to work 48 and 72 hour shifts at work, truck shopping, keeping up with a class I am taking, and all the normal stuff, uhg! So what are you up to? I have to go and pick up some accessories for the new truck and go to class at noon today. Would love to get to gether with you sometime.

I've been really great, thanks for asking. And you?

NOpe... not yet anyway. Been waiting to hear back from you. How have you been?

You must've found your playmate....

Well... anything specific you would like to know, just ask. What are you hoping to find with the two of us? Anychance of seeing any more photos of you?

Anything else you want to tell me.....

Actually... I do come here often. Just haven't found the right one yet. Looking for someone that wants to get to know eachother and hook up for some hot daytime activities. What else would you like to know?

So tell me a little more about you.... Come here often? LOL I keep hoping to have heard from you each time I log onto the site. Am I ever going to hear back from you? Would love to get to know you and your dreams...

1 comment:

rashell said...

I sure hope he heeds your warning.