Monday, January 03, 2005

Got some responses already...

So far I have gotten responses back from Nick, Scott, Brad, C, and envyme1323.
Unfortunately I am limited in the number of response emails I can send in a 24 hour period cause I am just a lowly standard member. Bastids.

I'm not really sure what I am looking for. Just moved here to Thornton, leaving my girlfriend of 4 years behind. So I guess I'm not looking for a real committed relationship. Mainly looking for people to hang out wiht and have a little fun. Do you have instant messaging?
So I exchanged IM with Nick, so hopefuly we'll be chatting soon. He just broke up with his girlfriend of four years, so hello rebound.

Not sure what you're looking for, but I'm looking for someone that I can have sex with and be at LEAST friends with...I'm looking for personality and fun...They have to both be there for me or I don't believe I can give someone all that I have to offer...if that makes sense....I'm open to long term relationships as well but it's really iffy....I'm pretty picky these days when it comes to's a huge thing for me.
Anyways here's your pics..if you have yahoo or AIM my name on there is....

Scott still seems pretty promising. He seems a little skittish about anything long term, but he might be willing.

hey there! I just e-mailed you this long e-mail and am not sure if you just got it. Let me know ok! What is your name?

Brad offered his number. This dude is pretty hot. Too hot for my average ass.

Happy new year. Nice to hear back from you! Hmmm, music... I like just about everything, except country and heavy metal. I seem to like hip hop and house music the most though. What about you? Do you snowboard or ski? I used to but haven't in a long time. Well, hope you have a good new year and hope to talk to you again. Chad
Chad seems nice. I don't do the whole skiing/boarding thing though. Those guys are pretty hot, so I like to sit in front of a warm fire and watch them walk by.

hey thanks for the reply, so what did you do w/ criminal justice? so tell me more about yourself, what are you looking for? what do you do for work? send me an email and i will send you my pic
Still don't know envyme's name, but I am intrigued by the whole criminal justice thing.

All in all, I think it is going well on AFF. I need to get a really good face shot this weekend to use on these sites. And some shots of my potential date outfits so ya'll can help me pick out what hot's and what's not. Next up,

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