Friday, January 28, 2005

Meeting the Cabana Boy...

So last night I got to meet my Cabana Boy for the first time. He was pathetically begging me so sweetly that I gave in and went to see him at work last night. My big brother insisted on going and "checking him out". (Sidenote: My brother and I have only recently come into contact with each other, so he has no clue what I go for or who I am. Cabana Boy got the approval from my 2 best friends already and they are the ones who count.) All the way there I was just a ball of nerves. My brother decides that he wants to go in and check him out first and then have me come in and see if he recognizes me. I say of course he will cause he has seen pictures of me, and I was right he did. :) And I must say that he is so damn sexy. He's totally got that bedroom eye thing going on. MMMMM that does it to me everytime. I am a sucker for sexy eyes.
So while listening to my brother prove what a jackass he is with his incessent ramblings, the Cabana Boy was lightly stroking my leg and he hit the hottest hot spot I have. It was all I could do not to lose control right then and there. Finally brother left and went out to the car and I got my Cabana Boy all to myself for a minute or two. It was really, really hard to behave myself with him growling in my ear, and somehow managing to get his roaming hands in all the right spots. So be proud of my self restraint, dear readers, as it was very difficult to maintain. Now, I only have to wait til Sunday......... *sigh*

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