Thursday, January 20, 2005

On the dating front......

Well, it's been on hold just a little. First with the ex, then I got sick, and now school is starting. But I am still chatting away and playing with the boys.
I have been IM'ing and talking on the phone with a guy I met on myspace. His name is the Mad Professor and he works at a tattoo shop. He seems really sweet, but he is a bit freaky. His pic on myspace is of him lacing up some chicks back. Yeah. Not into that too much. I am making him wait to see me until at least next weekend. Mostly cause my dad and brother will be here, and I really don't need the grief that will come along with me saying I have a date.
I'm still talking to the angry white boy. Just as friends, but he did tell me that he misses me the other day and I'm a big meanie for not writing or calling. I told him what-the-fuck-ever. His fingers ain't broke and he knows my damn number.
I've been replying to more emails on AFF. I spoke briefly with Brad last night, but there was no chemistry there so we called it a day. He is pretty hot though.

So let the games begin.........

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